Thursday, August 23, 2012

I love aprons

After about a day of rest, Flo (my sewing machine) got to work on something other than a quilt.  I know, I know!  I don't remember when I cut out the pattern pieces for this apron, but it was sitting there on my to-do pile.  During the school year, I go through aprons in class pretty quickly, so having another one is always nice.  I even put the optional pockets on this one.  I think I bought the fabric at Hobby Lobby (last summer, maybe?), but I have one more completion to add to my summer list.  Who knew that having to go back to work on Monday would inspire such sewing out of me?  :)

I think I'm up to having 5 or 6 full aprons now.  When I'm teaching high school or junior high foods, wearing an apron is a very good idea.  My students know that if I'm ever wearing fancy clothes and heeled dress shoes, we're not cooking that day.

And yes, my hutch contains more fabric than it does breakables.  See why I've been sewing?


  1. For Project Linus, I cut a piece of flannel into half-inch strips and tied the strips to some white sheetlike fabric to make a blanket that will go to a newborn in the hospital! I'm so excited! It looks fantastic!

  2. That sounds really cute, Gracie. My classes tied some fleece blankets to donate to Project Linus. It's a great organization.
