Tuesday, April 22, 2014

It's been a long time. . .

It's been a long time, but I'm back.  I've had some serious health issues, which although not yet resolved, are at least getting treated.  It's a long road ahead, but at least I'm on it.

I was reading the other day about an idea going around Facebook; you post something for which you are grateful every day for 100 days.  I think I'm going to try it.  I need a reminder of how much good is in the world and how many blessings I truly have, even as I struggle to get my health to where it needs to be.  Today's moment of gratitude is that water evaporates.

While washing dishes from dinner, I accidentally sloshed a large pan full of water onto my kitchen floor.  That will teach me to actually cook dinner.  While I do need to mop my floor, I was planning to do it this Saturday when I can open the windows and air out my whole apartment.  It's raining right now.  So, I wiped up the water as best as I could with paper towels, spot -scrubbed the area, and left the rest to dry.  Like I said, I'm glad that evaporation is a natural phenomenon.  It makes towels dry, dishes sparkle, and roads non-muddy.

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