Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Knit to my Lou

We've had school cancelled two days on a row due to storms.  I've been doing lots of miscellaneous things, but I finished this scarf this afternoon.  I made the hat several months ago, but I finally have a matching set.  Good thing, too; the forecast is for snow tomorrow!


This is what I look like after not having had real, meaningful face to face human contact for a few days. Scary, I know.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2013 Here I come

Being the bright person that I am, I completely forgot to photograph the 8 quilts I made for my nieces and nephews as Christmas presents. I only remembered after the quilts were already wrapped and packed for shipping. Oops. On the bright side, I got 9 quilts completely finished this year. I have one quilt that just needs binding attached, and I assembled 5 more projects into flimsies (completed tops not yet quilted).  I think I can safely say that I have had a productive 2012.  I am hereby declaring 2013 to be the year of the finish.  My goal is to only work on projects I already have or to only use materials.that I already have.  I think it is time to get off a first name basis with the staff at the fabric store.  I am hoping to make myself more accountable by posting on my blog, even if no one is reading.  I am trying to keep a resolution this year; we will see how it goes.